I commend you for your honesty. It isn’t easy when it seems like there are two extreme sides. The truth is there is risk in every single thing we do in life everyday. The choices we make are based on which choice has the best overall outcome. Which has the least amount of risk involved. For me, I was much more afraid of not getting vaccinated. Complications when it comes to vaccinated people is extremely rare even though the media likes to hype up every little case. On the other hand non-vaccinated people are flooding our hospitals. I need to get a partial hysterectomy and I can’t even get into the hospital to do it because it’s filled with Covid patients who are not vaccinated. I know people who work at area hospitals and the stories they tell me are absolutely frightening. I trust them most because they are my good friends and because they are not the media or the government. At the end of the day though, the choice you make needs to be yours and yours alone and based on what you feel is the best outcome. 🙂